
H.E.M.P. – Healthy Eating Made Possible 


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H.E.M.P. – Healthy Eating Made Possible

This e-book version of the popular originally UK published book is released to share this timeless information on health, happiness and nutrition.

This 520 page ebook is full of information on hemp, health foods and contains a lot of global recipes created by Paul on his global travels.

Here is the table of contents so you know what to expect.

Although this book was not produced for an e-book, all the information is there and easy to read.

FOREWORD                                                                            36

INTRODUCTION                                                                     38

Food and ‘food’                                                                                                                     38

The Whole Balance                                                                                                              39

Habits                                                                                                                                        40

Change                                                                                                                                      42

Food and Energy                                                                                                                   42

Food – Body, Mind and Spirit                                                                                          43

Food – The Healing Effects                                                                                               43

Foods – From Past to Present                                                                                         44

The Present                                                                                                                             45

SECTION ONE                                                                          49

HEMP AND HEALTHY LIVING                                              49

HEMP – PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE                              51

Hemp Past                                                                             51

The Conspiracy Story                                                                                                          53

Food Industry                                                                                                                         55

Today’s Modern Advances                                                                                               56

Hemp and the Present                                                                                                       57

Seed Varieties                                                                                                                        59

Hemp Farming                                                                                                                       61

Nothing to do with Smoking it                                                                                        62

Hemp and the Black Market                                                                                            64

Hemp and the Soil                                                                                                                65

Who Can Grow It?                                                                                                                65

Seed Crops – Technical                                                                                                      67

Hemp Fibres                                                                                                                            68

Fibre Crop Production Costs and Revenues                                                              68

Hemp – A Solution to more than the World’s Nutritional Problems?          70

Hemp’s Many Uses for the 21st century                                                                     72

Hemp and Cosmetics                                                                                                          73

Hemp Soap Making                                                                                                             73

Making Lye                                                                                                                         73

Testing the Lye                                                                                                                  74

Hemp Plastic                                                                                                                           75

Why Hemp Plastic?                                                                                                         75

Hemp as a Bio-Fuel                                                                                                              76

Hemp for Paper                                                                                                                     78

Hemp and the Textile Industry                                                                                       79

Hemp Oil and Pharmaceutical Uses                                                                             79

Hemp Seed Cake                                                                                                                   81

Future                                                                                                                                   81

Hemp Facts                                                                                                                              82

Hemp and Beyond                                                                                                               86

HEMP, FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL CHOICE                        88

Hemp as a Food                                                                                                                     88

Essential Fatty Acid Profile of Hemp Varieties                                                        89

Hemp and Essential Fatty Acids                                                                                     92

How much Hemp to Eat?                                                                                                  95

Hemp is good for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder                               97

Hemp Food, Weight Loss and Sports Nutrition                                                       97

The Shelf life of Hemp                                                                                                        99

Oils                                                                                                                                           101

Free Radicals                                                                                                                        104

Butter                                                                                                                                 105

Nutrients                                                                                                                                105

Protein                                                                                                                               105

Protein – Hemp or Meat?                                                                                          107

Cholesterol                                                                                                                            109

Carbohydrates                                                                                                                     109

Insulin                                                                                                                                     110

Sugar and Starch                                                                                                                112

Knowledge is the Key                                                                                                       113

Hypoglycaemia                                                                                                                   116

Fibre                                                                                                                                         118

Craving                                                                                                                                    119

Burger, Fries, Crisps                                                                                                          122

Tip for Craving ‘The Munchies’                                                                                    122

Coffee                                                                                                                                      123

Chocolate                                                                                                                              124

Smoking                                                                                                                                 124

Food Texture, Mind Texture                                                                                         125

Food Cravings                                                                                                                      126

Persistence                                                                                                                            129

Cravings as an Addiction                                                                                                 130

Cravings of the Pure                                                                                                         131

Freedom from Foods                                                                                                   132

VITAMINS AND MINERALS                                                133

VITAMINS                                                                                                                              135

A                                                                                                                                           135

B1                                                                                                                                        135

B2 (Riboflavin)                                                                                                                136

B12                                                                                                                                      136

VITAMINS AND THE EFFECTS OF COOKING                                                            137

C                                                                                                                                           137

D                                                                                                                                           137

E                                                                                                                                           137

Lecithin                                                                                                                              138

Introducing the CaPNaK Theory                                                                                  138

Analysis of Hemp Seed Oil                                                                                             139

Acid-Alkaline Balance                                                                                                       141

Element Levels of Hemp Seed mg/100g                                                                  141

Yin, Yang and the Five Elements                                                                                 144

Taoist Nutrition                                                                                                                  145

MINERALS                                                                                                                             146

Calcium                                                                                                                              147

Phosphorous                                                                                                                   148

Potassium                                                                                                                         148

Sodium                                                                                                                              148

Iron                                                                                                                                     149

Copper                                                                                                                               149

Iodine                                                                                                                                 149

Magnesium                                                                                                                      149

Sulphur                                                                                                                              150

Manganese                                                                                                                      150

Chlorine                                                                                                                             150

Silicon                                                                                                                                 150

Cobalt                                                                                                                                 151

Zinc                                                                                                                                     151

Trace minerals                                                                                                                151

Aluminum                                                                                                                         151

Tin                                                                                                                                        151

Arsenic                                                                                                                               152

Bromine                                                                                                                            152

Nickel                                                                                                                                 152

Silver                                                                                                                                   152

Mercury                                                                                                                            152

Selenium                                                                                                                           153

Digestive Conditions                                                                                                         153

Constipation                                                                                                                    153

Diarrhea                                                                                                                            154

Gas                                                                                                                                      155

FOOD COMBINING                                                               157

Food Combining Summary                                                                                             160

What are Starch and Protein Foods?                                                                         161

SOME SPECIFIC PRODUCT GUIDELINES                                                                    162

Fruits                                                                                                                                  162

Hemp and Soya                                                                                                              163

Nuts and other seeds                                                                                                   163

Cream Cheeses                                                                                                               163

Coffee and Tea                                                                                                               164

Dulse, Spinach and Celery                                                                                         164

Pulses and Legumes                                                                                                     164

Sugars                                                                                                                                164

Grains, Cereals and Flours                                                                                         165

Tomatoes                                                                                                                         165

Vinegar and Pickled Foods                                                                                         165

Salt and Pepper                                                                                                              166

Olives                                                                                                                                 166

Thickness Agents                                                                                                           166

Exceptions to the Rule                                                                                                     167

Slow Dance                                                                                                                           167

NATURECURE                                                                      170

Tribal                                                                                                                                       170

What is Naturecure?                                                                                                        171

Herrings Law of Cure                                                                                                        172

Natural Medicines                                                                                                             173

Naturecure – The Answer to our Problems                                                            174

The Make Up of Naturecure                                                                                          175

Nature or Science?                                                                                                       176

What is Disease?                                                                                                           176

Mind and Body                                                                                                               176

Lose Calories Fast                                                                                                          177

Start the Day – the Naturecure Way                                                                      179

Water                                                                                                                                 180

Water and Earth Therapies                                                                                       183

Water Baths                                                                                                                    184

Air                                                                                                                                        184

Breath                                                                                                                                185

Sleep and Relaxation                                                                                                   186

Happiness                                                                                                                         187

Hygiene                                                                                                                             187

Dental Hygiene                                                                                                               188

Sun Cures                                                                                                                          188

Naturecure – an Integration into a Modern World                                              189

NATURECURE AND FASTING                                            191

Why Fast? Removal of Toxins                                                                                      192

Why Fast? Mucus Build-up                                                                                            193

Why Fast? Fatigue                                                                                                             193

Why Fast? The Tips                                                                                                           195

Why Fast? Constipation                                                                                                  197

When Fast?                                                                                                                      197

What to Fast with – Colonics?                                                                                  197

Why Fast? Overeating                                                                                                 201

Water and Colonics                                                                                                      201

Why Fast? Virtual Feast                                                                                              202

Why Fast? My Experience                                                                                         202

Post Fast Supplements                                                                                                203

The Fast                                                                                                                             203

Other Naturecure Guidelines                                                                                       204

Dry skin brushing                                                                                                           204

Exercise                                                                                                                             205

Swimming                                                                                                                         205

Massage                                                                                                                            206

Vegetarianism or Not?                                                                                                207

NATURECURE AND JUICING                                              209

Raw Juice                                                                                                                               210

Carrots                                                                                                                               213

Apples                                                                                                                                214

Juice and Health                                                                                                                 214

Constipation                                                                                                                    214

Eyes                                                                                                                                     214

Energy                                                                                                                                214

Hair loss                                                                                                                            214

Hangovers                                                                                                                        215

Migraine                                                                                                                            215

PMS                                                                                                                                     215

Natural Highs                                                                                                                       215

Juicing – the Pulp                                                                                                                216

Juicing – Juicers                                                                                                                    216

Enzymes                                                                                                                                 217

Wheat grass                                                                                                                          219

Growing Grass                                                                                                                     220

Chlorophyll                                                                                                                           222

Cancer                                                                                                                                     223

HIV                                                                                                                                            224

OTHER HERBS AND HEALING FOODS                             225

Miso                                                                                                                                         226

How Organic Miso Is Made                                                                                           227

Sea Vegetables                                                                                                                    229

Arame                                                                                                                                     230

Hijiki                                                                                                                                         230

Kombu                                                                                                                                    230

Wakame                                                                                                                                 231

Nori                                                                                                                                          231

Dulse and Carageenan                                                                                                     231

Yoghurt                                                                                                                                   231

Echinacea                                                                                                                               232

St. John’s Wort                                                                                                                    232

Goldenseal                                                                                                                            233

Asparagus                                                                                                                              233

Potatoes                                                                                                                                 233

Citrus fruits                                                                                                                           234

Cloves                                                                                                                                      234

Grapes                                                                                                                                     234

Garlic                                                                                                                                       234

Papaya                                                                                                                                    234

Tomatoes                                                                                                                               235

Watermelon                                                                                                                         235

Ginger, Lemon & Salt                                                                                                       235

Onion and Garlic                                                                                                                 235

Sprouts                                                                                                                                   235

Buckwheat                                                                                                                            236

Sunflower                                                                                                                              236

Comfrey                                                                                                                                  236

Sprout soaking time and nutritional analysis                                                        237

Alfalfa                                                                                                                                 237

Rice                                                                                                                                     238

Alternatives to Rice                                                                                                      238

Blue-green algae                                                                                                                239

Other Algae                                                                                                                     240

Herbal Parasite Remedies                                                                                              240

FOOD AND THE LAND                                                         247

Permaculture                                                                                                                       249

The Personal Effects of Permaculture                                                                       252

Kitchen/Herb Garden                                                                                                       254

HERBS                                                                                                                                      255

Basil                                                                                                                                    255

Bay leaves                                                                                                                        255

Caraway seed                                                                                                                  255

Cayenne Pepper                                                                                                            255

Chevril                                                                                                                                255

Chives                                                                                                                                 255

Cinnamon                                                                                                                         256

Cumin seed                                                                                                                      256

Dill                                                                                                                                       256

Fennel                                                                                                                                256

Garlic                                                                                                                                  256

Ginger                                                                                                                                256

Oregano                                                                                                                            257

Mint                                                                                                                                    257

Paprika                                                                                                                               257

Parsley                                                                                                                               257

Rosemary                                                                                                                         257

Sage                                                                                                                                    258

Thyme                                                                                                                                258

Leaf Curd                                                                                                                          258

Summary                                                                                                                          259

Method                                                                                                                             259

Magic Mushrooms                                                                                                             261

How to grow Shiitake                                                                                                  261

Genetic Modification                                                                                                       263

Eating Organic                                                                                                                     265

Alternative Technology                                                                                                   266

Passive Solar                                                                                                                        268

Solar Thermal                                                                                                                      268

The ‘Photovoltaic Effect’                                                                                                 269

HOLISTIC HEALTH                                                              272

Yoga                                                                                                                                         273

Surya-namaskar                                                                                                                  274

Pavanamucktasana                                                                                                       276

Pranayama                                                                                                                            278

Breathing                                                                                                                          278

Kirtan Kriya                                                                                                                      281

Living on Light                                                                                                                     282

Kinesiology for Food Testing                                                                                         284

Acupressure/Reflexology                                                                                               285

Mother and Baby                                                                                                               286

Like Mother, Like Son                                                                                                      287

Insomnia                                                                                                                                289

Meditation                                                                                                                            291

Laughing Meditation                                                                                                    293

Walking Meditation                                                                                                     295

Sitting                                                                                                                                 296

Awareness of Breath                                                                                                   296

Loving Kindness                                                                                                             298

Metta Bhavana                                                                                                               299

Zen                                                                                                                                      301

Paul’s 21 Lores of Success                                                                                              302

SECTION TWO                                                                      305

RECIPES                                                                                 305

TIPS BEFORE COOKING                                                                                                    307

Cooking food                                                                                                                        308

VITAMINS AND THE EFFECTS OF COOKING                                                            309

Breakfast                                                                                                                           309

Hunger                                                                                                                               310

When to Eat?                                                                                                                  310

Eating Foods – General Tips                                                                                       311

Sex and Cooking                                                                                                            312

More Tips                                                                                                                              312

Frying with Hemp Oil                                                                                                        314


Grains, Beans & By-products                                                                                    315

Vegetables                                                                                                                       316

Sea Vegetables                                                                                                               316

Fermented Foods                                                                                                          316

Fruits                                                                                                                                  317

Seeds & Nuts                                                                                                                   318

Beverages                                                                                                                         318

Seasonings and Herbs                                                                                                 318

Sweeteners                                                                                                                      318

Super-foods                                                                                                                     319

Fats and Oils                                                                                                                    319

Detergent V                                                                                                                     319

Dishwasher liquid V                                                                                                      320

BASIC ESSENTIALS                                                              321

Toasted Hemp Snack VGNS                                                                                           321

Milk                                                                                                                                          322

Hemp Milk Recipe 1 RVGS                                                                                             322

Hemp Milk Recipe 2 RVGS                                                                                             324

Hot Milk (V)GNS                                                                                                                 324

Rejuvelac RVGNS                                                                                                               325

Coconut Milk RVGNS                                                                                                        326

Hemp Cream RVGNS                                                                                                        327

Hemp Butter/Ghee GNS                                                                                                 327

Hemp Seed Nut Butter RVGNS                                                                                     328

Russian Hemp Butter RVGS                                                                                           328

Hemp Encrusted Pastry NS(V)                                                                                      329

Pie Base RVS                                                                                                                         330

Pie Base 2 RVGS                                                                                                                  330

Vegan Batter Mix VNS                                                                                                     331

Hemp Pasta NS                                                                                                                    331

Rice – Some Tips                                                                                                                  332

Nice Rice VNS                                                                                                                       333

Hemp Ketchup RVGNS                                                                                                     334

Hemp Cheese RVGS                                                                                                          334

Real Cheese GS                                                                                                                   335

Tofu VGNS                                                                                                                             336

Hemp Yoghurt RVGNS                                                                                                     337

Yoghurt (V)GNS                                                                                                                   337

Seed Yoghurt RVGS                                                                                                           339

Seitan VNS                                                                                                                            339

Herbal Salt RVGNS                                                                                                             340

BREAKFASTS                                                                        342

Egg-free Scrambled Egg VGNS                                                                                      342

After Sin Cereal VNS                                                                                                         343

Drinks                                                                                                                                      344

Chai (V)GN                                                                                                                             344

Herbal Teas VGNS                                                                                                              346

Digestion Tea VGN                                                                                                            347

Soothing Throat Tea VGNS                                                                                            347

Herbal Hemp Coffee VGNS                                                                                            347

Wake Up Drink RVGNS                                                                                                    348

Hot Hemp Milk Cocoa (V)GN                                                                                        349

Lassi GN                                                                                                                                  349

Indian Kernels VGNS                                                                                                         350

Digestive Juice VGNS                                                                                                        351

Hemp Cordial VGN                                                                                                            351

Potassium Punch RVGNS                                                                                                352

Beetroot Juice RVGNS                                                                                                      352

Vitamin B Drink RVGNS                                                                                                   352

High Protein Meal Replacement Juice RVGNS                                                      353

Live Hemp Smoothie RVGNS                                                                                         354

Avocado Smoothie RVGNS                                                                                            355

Cosmic Bliss Peach Smoothie                                                                                       355

Hemp Magic Smoothie RVGNS                                                                                    356

Hi-Energy Smoothie RVGNS                                                                                          356

Hemp Special                                                                                                                       357

Liver Flush                                                                                                                             357

Revitalising Broth VGNS                                                                                                  358

Payasam (a summer drink) RGS                                                                                  358

Warming Apple Cider RVGNS                                                                                       359

Ginger Tonic RVGN                                                                                                            360

Killer Parasite Juice RVGNS                                                                                            360

Liquid Love Energy RVGN                                                                                               361

Alcohol                                                                                                                                    361

Red Wine                                                                                                                          361

Sangria VGN                                                                                                                         362

BREAD AND SOUPS                                                             363

Bread Basics                                                                                                                         364

Basic Wholemeal VNS                                                                                                      365

Fermented Hemp Seed Loaf RVGS                                                                             366

Raw Energy Loaf RVGNS                                                                                                 367

Sourdough VNS                                                                                                                   368

Herb Bread VNS                                                                                                                  369

Soda Bread VN                                                                                                                    371

Masala Rice Buns VNS                                                                                                     372

Naan Bread VNS                                                                                                                 373

Zarathustra VNS                                                                                                                 373

Raw Sprouted Hemp Bread RVGNS                                                                           374

Savoury Sunflower Wafers RVGNS                                                                            375

Starch Free Hemp Crackers (R)VGNS                                                                         376

SOUPS                                                                                                                                     377

Thai Hemp Miso Soup (TT) VGNS                                                                                378

Cream of Spinach Soup RVGNS                                                                                    379

Asparagus Soup RVGNS                                                                                                  379

Onion Soup VNS                                                                                                                 380

Hemp Borscht R(V)GNS                                                                                                   381

Green Soup RVGNS                                                                                                           382

Gazpacho (R)VGNS                                                                                                            383

STARTERS AND SIDE DISHES                                            384

The Miso Starter VGNS                                                                                                    385

Sushi Starter VGNS                                                                                                            385

Sushi Dipping Sauce RVGNS                                                                                          386

Arame, Sauerkraut, Hemp and Almonds VGNS                                                    386

Snackie Snakes RVGNS                                                                                                    387

Garlic Toast VNS                                                                                                                 388

Roasted Garlic with Hemp Seeds VGNS                                                                   389

Wild Mushroom Starter VGNS                                                                                     390

Wild Rice Mesquito RVGNS                                                                                           390

Greek Horta VGNS                                                                                                             391

Aubergine Starter RVGS                                                                                                  392

Golabki NS                                                                                                                             392

Crunchy Apple Avocados RVGS                                                                                   393

Sprout Croquettes RVGS                                                                                                 394

Welsh Lava Bread (R)VNS                                                                                               395

Carrot and Hemp Rapee RVGNS                                                                                  396

Stuff It! RVGS                                                                                                                       397

Spicy Puffed Rice (Pun) VNS                                                                                          398

Savoury Hemp Popcorn VGNS                                                                                      399

Sweet Dehydrate Hemp Treat RVGNS                                                                      400

Hemp Crackers RVGNS                                                                                                    400

Nasturtium Capers RVGNS                                                                                             401

Soy Nuts VGNS                                                                                                                    402

Soyemp Nut Butter (TT) VGNS                                                                                     402

Simple Snax RVGNS                                                                                                          403

Salad                                                                                                                                        403

Lettuce Salad Supreme                                                                                                    404

Coleslaw RVGNS                                                                                                                 405

Indian Style Sprouts RVGN                                                                                            406

Egyptian Sprouted Salad RVGNS                                                                                 407

Polish Cabbage VGNS                                                                                                       407

Sauerkraut RVGNS                                                                                                             408

Dressing oils                                                                                                                         409

Vinegar                                                                                                                                   409

Basic Hemp Dressing (R)(V)GNS                                                                                  410

Vinaigrette au Chanvre RGN                                                                                         410

Super Hemp Dressing RGNS                                                                                          411

Garlic-Ginger Dressing RVGNS                                                                                     412

Apple Cashemp Spread RVGS                                                                                       412

Hot Hempy Horseradish R(V)GNS                                                                               413

Hot Hemp Mustard RGN                                                                                                 413

Other Mustards                                                                                                                  414

Hemp Pesto RVGS                                                                                                              415

North African Hemp Condiment VGNS                                                                     416

Black Pepper                                                                                                                        417

Mataji’s Garani Masala VGNS                                                                                       417

Super Green Salad Dressing                                                                                          418

Dry Roasted Seed Mix VGNS                                                                                         418

Mayonnaise VGNS                                                                                                             419

Tahini Mayonnaise (T) RVGNS                                                                                     420

Suncashemp Hemp Dress (R)VGS                                                                               420

Super Mint Dressing RVGNS                                                                                         421

Miso Dressings Introduction VGNS                                                                            422

Miso Mustard Dressing VGNS                                                                                      422

Garnishes and Top Tips RVGNS                                                                                    422

Up The Wall Nutty Dressing RVGS                                                                              423

Fruit Topping RVGNS                                                                                                        423

SAUCES AND SPREADS                                                       425

Guacamole Dip RVGNS                                                                                                    425

Coconut Chutney VGNS                                                                                                   426

Spicy Mango Chutney RVGNS                                                                                       427

Coriander Chutney RVGNS                                                                                             428

Cucumber Raita GNS                                                                                                        428

White Sauce Basics (V)(R)NS                                                                                         429

Hemp and Apple Sauce RVGNS                                                                                    430

Hemp Tahini (R)VGNS                                                                                                      431

Hemp Walnut Miso Saucey RVGS                                                                               431

Tofu Spread VGNS                                                                                                             432

Cream Spread VGNS                                                                                                         433

Amasake and Chestnut Paste VGS                                                                             433

Chestnut and Olive Pate VGS                                                                                        433

Salsa VGNS                                                                                                                            434

Pickle Mix RVGNS                                                                                                              434

Houmous RVGNS                                                                                                                435

MAIN DISHES                                                                       437

Take-away’ or To-go’ Sandwich Ideas (V)(G)(R)NS                                              438

Raw Spaghetti RVGNS                                                                                                      439

Avocado Yum RVG(N)S                                                                                                    441

Hemp Tempura VNS                                                                                                         441

Jamaican Patties NS                                                                                                          442

Baked Cauliflower with Tofu Dressing VGNS                                                         444

Thai Coconut Curry RVGNS                                                                                            445

Hemp and Tofu Burger VGNS                                                                                       446

Sushi Roll VGN                                                                                                                     447

Stuffed Mushrooms with Peppers (V)G(N)S                                                          449

Leek Crumble                                                                                                                       451

Millet Loaf VNS                                                                                                                   452

Couscous VNS                                                                                                                      453

Kichadi NS                                                                                                                             454

Vegetable Curry (V)GNS                                                                                                  456

Gujarati Daal NS                                                                                                                 458

Hemp ‘n’ Tofu Cube Crunch VGNS                                                                              459

Mini Pizzas RVGS                                                                                                                459

Hemp Pizza 2 (V)S                                                                                                              461

Ghana Batura NS                                                                                                                463

Banana and Yam Patiya VGNS                                                                                     465

Jacket Potato Supreme VGNS                                                                                       466

Smashed Potato King VGNS                                                                                          466

Sweet Potato Surprise VGNS                                                                                        467

Dilly Courgette VGN                                                                                                          468

Chest of Marinated Broccoli V                                                                                     468

Masala Bhang Dosa VNS                                                                                                 469

Savoury Hemp Milk Pancakes (TTT) VNS                                                                 471

Miso Creamed Parsnip (TT) VGNS                                                                              472

Grilled or BBQ Miso VGS                                                                                                 473

Vietnamese Salad Rolls VNS                                                                                         473

DESSERTS AND SWEET THINGS                                       475

Amasake VNSG                                                                                                                   476

Coconut Mousse                                                                                                                 477

Chocolate Mousse RVNSG                                                                                             477

Avocado Yum 2 RVG(N)S                                                                                                478

Hemp Seed Rolls RVGNS                                                                                                 478

Hemp Gateaux VGS                                                                                                           479

Hemp Seed Bar                                                                                                                   480

Banana and Papaya Creme R(V)GNS                                                                         481

Banana Pudding RVGNS                                                                                                  481

Ice Cream RVGNS                                                                                                               482

Frozen Banana Treats (R)VGNS                                                                                    482

Hempy Birthday Cake RVGN                                                                                         483

Apricot Fritter VN                                                                                                              484

Badam Kheer VG                                                                                                                485

Beetroot Halva G                                                                                                                486

Halva RVG(N)                                                                                                                       487

Sweet Hemp Balls RVG                                                                                                    487

Highly Hemp Fruit Balls VG                                                                                            488

Almond and Hemp Yoghurt RVGS                                                                              489

Honeyed Ginger R(V)GN                                                                                                 490

Marzipan Apple RVGS                                                                                                      490

Hemp almond paste                                                                                                         491

Pulp from Juice                                                                                                                   491

Pulp Sorbet RVGNS                                                                                                           492

Raspberries & Cream RVGNS                                                                                        493

Sunflower ‘n’ Hemp Treat RVGNS                                                                              493

Tofu Cheesecake VN                                                                                                         494

CONCLUSION                                                                        496

LONGEVITY                                                                          496

APPENDIX                                                                             501

RESOURCES                                                                          508

Hemp Shopping                                                                 508

Hemp Foods                                                                                                                     508

Hemp Plastics                                                                                                                 509

INDEX                                                                                    510