Frequently Asked Questions

Psychedelics are psychoactive substances that generally produce changes in perception, mood, and mental processes. Examples of well known psychoactive substances include alcohol, caffeine, LSD and cannabis. Psychoactive substances like cannabis, MDMA, ayuhuasca, DMT, psilocybin mushrooms and LSD usually lead to hallucinations, particularly at high doses or in ceremonial settings such as with Cannabis Psychedelics.

Psychedelic comes from the Greek psyche (life; spirit; soul; self, akin to psychein which means to breathe) and delic (to make manifest, to reveal and make visible). Thus psychedelics manifest spirit, they reveal life. Psychedelic = Mind Manifest

Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant. Native to Central or South Asia, the cannabis plant has been used as a drug for both recreational and entheogenic purposes and in various traditional medicines for centuries. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive component of cannabis, which is one of the 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 65 other cannabinoids. Terpenes, Esthers and Flavanoids are all part of the cannabis flower and will effect your overall experience. Cannabis can be used by smoking, vaporizing, as an edible or as an extract. Different mechanism of action produces different effects. We recommend vaporizing flowers using a high quality vaporiser.

Note: hemp is a form of cannabis well know for its sustainability, but without the psychoactive effects that are used in these experiences.

Yes, cannabis is legal for medicinal uses in Australia. You can ask your GP or a specialist cannabis doctor for further information, or to see if a prescription is right for you. In Australia only those with legal cannabis are admitted to our experiences. Learn how to buy cannabis here. If you are joining us at a location where cannabis is recreationally legal, such as at our annual retreats in Thailand or Colorado, USA then you are not required to have a prescription. 

In Australia you must bring and imbibe your own medicine and at your own prescribed dosage. We will guide you to use your good medicine in a way that minimises harm, and support you in ensuring you use this medicine in the best way.

Cannabis Psychedelics often work to bring homeostasis, therefore suit very different spectrums of people. If you have been prescribed cannabis, then this safe experience is for you.

  • People who have tried cannabis in non-intentional spaces, even with negative experiences (like an edible overdose in the past).
  • People suffering from depression, PTSD, anxiety, trauma, stuck or unsure of the direction in their lives.
  • People new to cannabis or psychedelics.
  • Experienced psychonauts.
  • People who want to consider Cannabis Psychedelic space holding as an addition to their therapy.
  • People who believe in the potential transformation offered by psychedelics for themselves, their family, community, country and society overall.
  • People who have tried traditional therapies and medicines and are not satisfied with the results.
In Australia, although prescribing of cannabis is legal to those from the age of 16, we choose to offer Cannabis Psychedelic experiences to those aged 21 and up as that is when we are comfortable that the appropriate synapses have been established and are no longer foundationally evolving.
Whether this is the first time you have consumed legal cannabis, or if you consume cannabis every day and have done for many years, what we offer is a safe and intentional space which is suitable for even the most experienced psychonauts. Even though our founder spent decades working with this plant, the use of cannabis as a psychedelic is relatively new, and we believe a significant elevation to regular cannabis use. For those that consume daily, we do ask for a 24 hour cannabis fast before the experience. BOOK NOW

In Australia it is legal to buy and consume Cannabis with a prescription only. You may learn more about this here.
If you can’t get a prescription then the only way to experience cannabis legally is to travel to a country where it is legal. There are a growing number of countries around the world – such as Thailand, where cannabis is legal for recreational use and therefore allows us to practice safe use with our therapeutic protocol without any outside obligations. If you are interested in this experience but do not have a prescription then you may consider our annual Cannabis Psychedelic Immersion Retreats

The beaches and food are good too 🙂

Note: you cannot partake in a Cannabis Psychedelic experience if you do not have legal cannabis, which is currently via a prescription, so please don’t ask. You are required to bring your own prescribed cannabis and understand the dose your Doctor has recommended when you come to one of our experiences.

Your Cannabis Psychedelic experience has already started – simply with your interest in reading thus far. After you book a program you will receive a number of questions that will continue the process of inner work and help you clarify you intention for the experience.

Shortly after booking you will expect a time and date for a personal call with your facilitator to go over your application, help clarify the process, logistics and answer any questions you may still have.

The Cannabis Psychedelic experience itself is a maximum of 4 hours, and starts with you settling into the space and feeling comfortable and clear with the process ahead. When everyone is ready, we imbibe the medicine, lay down with an eye covering (to support the inner process) and begin the first one hour Cannabis Psychedelic experience. The experience consists of a mix of meditation and music, led by your facilitator. There is a short break and then a second one hour experience begins.

As you emerge from the experience you are supported by grounding back into the body helped through snacks and drinks (provided if in person) before journalling time and then a short conversation before you are welcome to go home. It is not legal to drive with cannabis in your system which is why we pre-agree to have someone collect you, be that a taxi or uber or local accommodation.

The experience is not finished yet! There will be a follow up and personalised integration call with your facilitator to support your ongoing healing.

Every individuals experience is unique. Some go straight into core issues. Others take a more roundabout path to insight.
Some people have massive breakthroughs. Others experience subtle insights that shift the way they related to themselves and others.
Working with psychedelics is inherently unpredictable and very personal. Psychedelics open the doors to perception, to the unconscious––the unknown aspects of your psyche.

Deep muscle relaxation or a profound level of nervous system regulation is not uncommon. Some people may have a peak or mystical experience that shows them a more meaningful purpose to follow in their life. You may have a trauma release that day, or in the days following.

If you are looking to connect to a deeper sense of purpose, then you may find yourself flooded by an awe-inspiring experience you never have imagined possible. Ultimately, you never know.

The primary outcomes noticed:

  • Connecting to a “Higher Self” or deeper sense of purpose
  • Enhanced holistic well being
  • Greater flow and creativity at work
  • Embodying a more empathic style of leadership
  • Greater fulfilment in relationships
  • Cultivating healthier habits without resistance


Integration is often described as the most important part of your Cannabis Psychedelic experience. To support this it is important to ensure you have a support network that is aware of your experience. You may choose your partner, a close friend, family member, regular therapist or GP. If you need a recommendation for a ‘Cannabis Psychedelic friendly’ and experienced psychotherapist that you want to create a relationship with before and/ or after your experience just ask and we will offer some options for you.

Integration: defined as the restoration to wholeness; the process of renewal; the making up of a whole by combining the separate parts or elements. Also, we look to entire which means to make whole, to unite, including all essential parts; with no part excepted; not fatigued or worn; fresh; one and undivided. 

Many people, usually when given a cannabis edible have found that cannabis was too strong and sometimes close to feeling psychedelic. Others have consumed (via edibles, or smoking strong flowers) too much in an environment that was not supportive for this amount of medicine, which led to a negative and sometimes long lasting experience. Here at Cannabis Psychedelics we are here to re-introduce the relationship you may have with this wise and gentle plant. We have designed our offer around a strong and safe environment to connect you with the true spirit of this plant. In short – we encourage you to re-experience the plant in its truest natural form.

We will even say that it is even commonplace that those who have had an other than ideal experience with cannabis come to us for a new deeper relationship with the plant, and leave feeling reconnected with the plant, and often themselves.

  • In preparation for your Cannabis Psychedelic experience, try to get plenty of rest, eat clean and healthy foods, and stay hydrated.
  • Do your best to avoid working too much the day before, and be gentle the day after.
  • Avoid substances or activities harmful or distracting to your intended experience.
  • Consider meeting with a medicine-friendly therapist or mentor or join a community integration circle for additional support and inspiration on your journey.
  • Do some journaling and write out your intentions for the Cannabis Psychedelic experience.
  • You are welcome to bring whatever you want to feel nourished in the space. Some examples include your own soft blankets, teddy bear, picture and your favourite snacks for after! 
  • Spend quiet, reflective time in nature, before and after if possible.
  • Dress comfortably in loose clothing, stretch out, and eat no later than 4 hours before starting a session.
  • Find or create a mindfulness practice that works for you. It could be yoga, hiking, meditation, prayer, art, music, cooking, or anything else that relaxes you or stills your busy mind, and encourages inner listening. Having an ongoing mindfulness practice is the single most important building block for effective psychedelic cannabis work.
  • Take some quiet time in an intentional space to prepare your goals.

Both are very similar. The actual experience is the same. In an individual experience you will have total focus from your facilitator. In a group, depending upon numbers, your facilitator and support team will still be there for one on one support whether it is virtual or at an event. 

Individual or private/ couples personalised Cannabis Psychedelic experiences are offered with Paul Benhaim at his luxury estate overlooking the Byron Shire. You may also experience a personal VIP experience in the comfort of you own home.

Online group sessions are a cost effective way to heal with your community. Learn more about that here.

Events are detailed on our events page – they maybe in a hall, at a retreat or special events centre. You may join one of these with the community, request one for your community (if you are not close to the Northern Rivers of NSW), your corporation, family anywhere in the world – as we love to travel to share these experiences.  

Comfortable clothes. Layers are good. If you are coming for a private retreat, we will provide you with a comfortable place to sit/ lay and blankets to ensure you are warm. If you have your own doona, blanket or comforter that you love, please do bring that too! 

Please bring your legally prescribed cannabis. It is recommended to bring more than you expect to need. You will take what you don’t need home with you. Please also bring your smoking device, preferably a vaporizer or pipe. We recommend the Volcano or Mighty vaporizer – contact us as we maybe able to arrange a discount. If you have your own strains, bring a mixture or discuss this on your personalised or group call.

We suggest you have your favourite crunchy snack (we recommend crackers or chips) and your preferred sweet snack at the ready for after. If you have not booked a meal in advance, you are welcome to bring your lunch or dinner meal to heat up after.

Four hours after your start time. It is important that you are aware that you cannot drive after the experience, as cannabis may be in your blood stream. You agree to arrange, in advance, either a Taxi, Uber service or have a friend collect you.
This is still the case, even if you have booked overnight accommodation with us.

It is up to you facilitator if it is appropriate to stay longer than your planned time.

Please communicate directly with your insurance company, as some cannabis medicines may be covered. Our Cannabis Psychedelic experience is not currently covered by insurance.

It is not required, but highly recommended. We can provide some options for Cannabis Psychedelic friendly psychotherapists who can meet you in person or by zoom. This will be at your cost and will be discussed before and/ or after your experience.

You may contact us and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.