Cannabis Medicine
Ancient plant medicine blended with modern technology.
Led by science, trusted by the plant, supported by experienced therapists.

Cannabis as a medicinal psychedelic
Cannabis Sativa is a plant that has been used for its healing properties for a millennia. Cannabis medicine use is ancient; it was listed in the Emperor Shen Nung’s pharmacopoeia in 2800 BC. It is one of the safest medicines known to man and is it not associated with any fatal overdoses, making it safer than coffee, carrots, bananas and even water!
Cannabis was legalised for medicinal purposes on 24th February 2016, by amendments to the Narcotic Drugs Act by the Australian Parliament.

Cannabis sativa
Cannabis sativa is a classic psychedelic, a fact not well known in general society. The war on drugs have kept cannabis underground and distorted our view on this sacred plant for too long. Even within the psychedelic community, cannabis is not often respected as a psychedelic. As cannabis has been legalized in Australia for medical purposes, and continues to be around the world, people are waking up to the incredible potential of what this plant has to offer.
For our healing purposes, we recommend your prescription cannabis is grown organically and tests high in THC, minor cannabinoids and terpenes. It is important that your strain contains a well balanced profile of terpenes and other minors as they all contribute to the physiological and psychological effects that this plant is capable of eliciting.
When used as a safe and sacred tool, cannabis as a psychedelic supports us in the healing process by allowing us to look deeper within ourselves. We then have the opportunity through integration to resolve deep seated tensions stored within the body and relax the nervous system.
Cannabis Psychedelics reframes the cannabis experience as not just a recreational plant, but a medically efficacious tool to dive deep within an intentional container. This modality is best experienced with an experienced guide or facilitator. Some know this as a trip sitter.
When high quality cannabis is used intentionally and skillfully, it may be just as potent as other psychedelic medicines. Our clients commonly report experiences that are as potent and psychedelic as MDMA, Psilocybin, Ayahuasca and even DMT. When cannabis is used in an intentional or ceremonial setting, the experience becomes a powerful gateway to transformation.

Plant based psychedelic therapy allows you to fast track your healing through deep breakthroughs into the root cause of your pain. Cannabis is probably the most gentle of all psychedelics and is suitable for nearly everyone. In our intake form we accept many personal histories, including those who have had previous difficult experience with cannabis. There are some people for example, those with recent suicidal tendencies or thoughts, bipolar disease, psychosis where this therapy may not be appropriate. We will help guide you if this may be the case.
Cannabis supply for Your psychedelic experience
When you come for a Cannabis Psychedelic experience, all you need is your own supply of cannabis and a willingness to be open.
All participants in a Cannabis Psychedelic journey will have their own legal supply of cannabis, which is usually purchased through a pharmacy. You will have a legal prescription from either your GP or a specialist Cannabis Doctor. You must bring your own supply to the experience. We do NOT supply cannabis. If you are unsure of what cannabis to request, then we can help you (or your Doctor) with introductions and recommendations to specific strains of cannabis flowers available from your local pharmacy dealer – all of which will have high quantities of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, also called THC for short.
If you do not yet have a prescription, you can search online for a Doctor that supports the use of medicinal cannabis, or we may recommend a number of Doctors if requested, learn more.

Am I eligible for medical cannabis?

- Have had a chronic condition for at least three months
- Have exhausted all conventional treatment options or experienced adverse side effects to these treatments
- Be over 16 years of age (21 years is the minimum age for our experience)
What will I expect from a cannabis psychedelic experience?
Clients report enhanced bodily awareness and heightened senses, active visual experiences, deep connection with their intuition, a connection to the sacred and an other worldly place. Capacity to travel through old memories with an awareness that they can ‘bring back’. These dreamlike experiences may lead to transpersonal phenomemon (such as meeting with ancestors, guides, spirit angels and otherworldly entities). Deep muscle relaxation, profound levels of nervous system regulation and trauma resolution are not uncommon, as well as more control of their life’s direction and choices within their current situation. Ultimately feeling deeper connection and a sense of purpose.