Cannabis – Safer than water?

Cannabis – Safer than water? So, what are the dangers of cannabis and cannabis? Under conditions of physical stress, drinking too much water leads to hyponatremia, swelling of brain cells and death. An American Association of Poison Control Center’s 31st annual report revealed: 2 million reported poisonings #1 = depression/anxiety/schizophrenia drugs #1 fatalities = depression/anxiety/schizophrenia […]
What Psychotherapists and counselors may not know about cannabis psychedelics!

When facilitating a cannabis psychedelic session, psychotherapists and counselors should be well-informed about cannabis-specific knowledge and considerations that may not be part of their traditional training. Here are some aspects of cannabis that they should know: Variability of Effects: Cannabis affects individuals differently due to factors such as strain, dosage, method of consumption, and individual […]
From Ego to Wego

This article, From Ego to Wego was written by my good friend Rak Razam for a keynote lecture for the 2020 non-duality summit What role does the Ego play in the human experience – and how, and why did it evolve? Tribal cultures point towards other states of unity consciousness with nature as part of […]
Solfeggio Frequencies

Unveiling the Solfeggio Frequencies: Myths, Science, and Musical Harmony The solfeggio frequencies, a set of ancient musical tones, have captivated the imagination of many enthusiasts who believe in their mystical healing properties and spiritual significance. Solfeggio frequencies are often associated with sound healing to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through the intentional use of […]
Cannabis Psychedelics and Integration

Right present, the field of psychedelic integration is expanding, and for good cause. Integration is a crucial step in the process of facilitating the long-lasting personal and habitual changes that psychedelic therapy can bring about. Whether or whether they involve psychedelics, transformational experiences are impossible without the intense effort that comes after. For long-term growth […]
Microdosing Cannabis

Not only is microdosing with psychedelics becoming more and more popular, but it is also being used with cannabis and has many notable advantages. Large doses aren’t necessarily the best, as we are beginning to understand more about the nature of plant medicines and how many varied approaches there are to get the most of […]
CBD and Wellness

The non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant called cannabidiol, or CBD, is gaining popularity due to its numerous medical and therapeutic uses. Yoga and meditation practitioners are now discovering that the balance it offers is helpful for developing mindfulness.
The Profound Realm of Cannabis Psychedelics

The Profound Realm of Cannabis Psychedelics A Journey Through Healing, Trauma, and Expanded Consciousness. In the realm of consciousness exploration, cannabis psychedelics offer a unique and intricate tapestry of experiences that resonate deeply with the teachings of modern visionaries like Daniel McQueen, the trauma-informed insights of Gabor Maté, and the psychedelic pioneers Robin Carhart-Harris and […]